Get Started. Do Not Wait For Perfect Timing.

Many know they do not have an adequate personal financial strategy to manage their finances today or plan for the future. They may feel inadequate to the task or simply overwhelmed not knowing where to start, so they wait for “a better time” to do it.

Every task or journey, no matter how complex, can not be completed until you begin. When we continue to put off planning our finances we are like a farmer who never plants his seeds because he is always watching the weather and worried that it is not the perfect time to do so.

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. [Ecclesiastes 11:4 NLT]

It is essential to get started. Set aside some time, even if only in small pieces, and begin. It is an important step to get over the psychological barrier many have to start an intimidating task they are not familiar with. If you wait for the perfect time to take the next step, you will never take the next step.

Lay out some easy commitments you know you can make, even if 1 hour a week, or 15 minutes a day to start studying and preparing. Get away from distractions for that time and get started. Many resources are available for free on the internet (such as We have included several that we think are very good in the Resources section of our website.

Wherever you are on your journey to developing a robust personal financial strategy… whether you are waiting to take the first step in planning or whether you have the plan but have not begun to implement or even if you are already implementing but you have not come back to steward your results… take the next step.

If you have it all together and are well-planned and executing well… there is still another step. Find someone who has not come as far and help to encourage, mentor, and guide them.


Remember that all you have belongs to God. Manage your money God’s way. Visit .